My time is a precious resource. We only get 24 hours in a day and only 365 days in a year, right? I keep careful track of how I spend my hours. and with whom I spend them with. I make each moment count as we can't take them back. I establish my priorities, like coffee hour and exercise time. I set alarms on my phone for when to start certain things throughout the day. Like 10 am is wall sit time for 2 minutes. I set an alarm on my tablet so when it's time, I can't just swipe it off my phone screen, I actually have to go find my tablet to shut it off. Forces me to keep the habit.
I consider my life's purpose, and right now it is to keep the doors open at the spa even though I am unable to work at it at this time, due to my medical conditions. I feel it's important to keep it going for those who work there, as they have become part of my family.
I distinguish between what is urgent and what is important. This sometimes gets shaded when others sense of urgency is not of my concern. I make space for my passions. Currently my passion is decorating our new home and getting ready to finalize all the plans for our upcoming wedding in July. I focus on the activities that give me a sense of fulfilment. I create a realistic schedule, and actually can get more done in a day than I probably should. Managing stress is easier when I avoid squeezing too much into one day. As a cowboy once said, if you can't sleep at night, you probably didn't do enough hard work during the day! I identify the tasks that are taking longer than I thought. I organize my errands so that I can pick up groceries and dry cleaning more efficiently. I minimize activities that are unrelated to my goals. I shop only when I need something specific and order my groceries online for pick up to save time and overspending at the checkout. This also helps me to stick to a budget or get things on sale as posted. I cut down on social media by not scrolling thru the Facebook app on my phone and stick to stories and snapchat with family instead. I've discovered more leisure time for reading and cooking.
When I clear away the clutter, I've shared a few #founditonamazon links below, that I've bought for my new office and kitchen. I have more resources to devote to the things that really matter like eating healthy meals and making homemade bread and ice cream! Once I know where my time is going, I can choose between cleaning my car and reading with my children. I make positive changes. I overhaul my daily routines. I put my dreams into action.
Today, I consciously decide how to spend my time instead of letting the hours slip away. Measuring my time gives me greater control over my life and helps me to achieve more.
Self-Reflection Questions:
1. Why is my time important to me?
2. What would I do if I had an extra hour each day?
3. How does tracking my time enable me to be more productive?
Get back to me with your answers, and we can chat about life on a positive platform, Email Me.
Below are links of some organizational items I recently purchased from Amazon:
#1 under sink shelf for cleaning supplies:
Click the link to purchase:
Kitchen drawer organizer in bamboo:
Click the link to purchase: